Tuesday, June 29, 2010



My Aunt and Uncle, Debbie and Jeff, have some friends, Tony and Teresa, who have a pond in their backyard in Eagle. Eagle is a growing city in Idaho, and has some of the most unique and beautiful developments in the area.  I was extremely impressed with it as we drove through to reach our destination - THE FISHING POND!

It is a gorgeous pond, surrounded by Cattails, tall conifers, and spring flowers.  Black birds taunt us and dive for our heads, laughing as they elicit screams from us as we hook up our bait.  We bought our bait at a vending machine!  What can you NOT buy from a vending machine nowadays?  

So, we move to another location, around the corner, away from the mean black birds. We cast the hooks, and wait. It was late morning, so we doubted we'd get a bite, but within 15 minutes my 9 year old daughter squeals with delight as her bobber jerks below the surface. She catches the 1st Blue Gill of the day! My Uncle Jeff provides to demonstrate how to properly remove the blue gill from the hook, so that it is minimally impacted by its sharp barb, and then he throws it back into the sparkling blue waters.

NT, my 4 year old son, catches the next Blue Gill fish!  He is so proud of himself.  He is shown how to jerk the rod properly as the bobber is pulled beneath the water so as to attach the hook solidly into the fish so that it doesn't swim away with the worm after biting. Roxy, his older cousin, is so kind to help him learn the arts of pond fishing; she is so patient with the little guy.  Thank you, Roxy!
Vicky and SweetP fish for awhile, but get "skunked" by the smart fish.  It seems they start to catch on to our ploys as our fishing continues.  Vicky tries to use a rubber worm to no avail.  NT, my son, tries to set our worms "free" as his heart of compassion for all living things begins to prevail.

After a good 1.5 hrs of a good family fishing session, we tire and decide to move on to LUNCH at 'Donnie Mac's Trailer Park Cuisine' in Boise, Idaho!
Thank you Jeff and Debbie and Danny and Teresa for an enjoyable family fishing trip.  5 fisher"kids" + 1 bucket of earth worms+ 3 Bluegills = A fun family time together.