Friday, June 25, 2010


Met the man of my dreams, a four-legged, brown-eyed, mellow Morgan horse named “Darby.”  The kids were so thrilled to get the opportunity to ride a horse, and my aunt and uncles’ best friends were kind enough to open their riding stables to some city folk from Cali.  
Emilu wore a huge smile as she brushed Darby, and Bud, the owner, gave her gentle instructions on how to brush and how to mount Darby.  Bud, an excellent instructor, directed her on how to ride - sit up straight, grab the reins, NOT the saddle horn, press on the sides of the horse to ‘Giddyup’ and say ‘Whoa’ to stop him.  Darby was a willing participant and seemed to enjoy the attention.

Meanwhile, NT was enjoying the tire swing shaped like a bucking bronco as SweetP rode Darby around and around the corral.  She rode like a natural and faint memories of horseback riding lessons and horse camp came flooding back to her; I thought she was going to break out and try some gymkhana!
NT, my 4 year, wanted to ride Darby and was thrilled beyond measure when Bud said “OK, let’s give him a try!”  I was a bit nervous as he mounted Darby and his short legs couldn’t reach the stirrups.  He was a bit timid at first, but soon got the hang of it as he listened explicitly to Bud’s instructions.  I thought “If only he would listen to me like that!”
My only regret is that we didn’t bring the Wrangler jeans, plaid cowboy shirt, leather belt and black cowboy boots complete with his cowboy hat to create the perfect picture!
Next it was my turn to ride Darby.  I gave every excuse I could think up, on the fly of course, why I SHOULDN’T ride him, but I was out-voted, so on I climbed.  I soon got the rhythm of his gait, and my muscle memory kicked in since I rode horses many times in my childhood and teenage years. My dad almost bought me a horse when I was in the 6th grade, but that’s a whole other story.....

Soon I wanted to trot and take Darby out of the corral for a day ride in the beautiful open country, but tummies started rumbling and it was time to drive to Boise to eat at “Big Jud’s” restaurant which was featured on the Travel Network's show called ‘Man V. Food’ with Adam Richman, a favorite of my husband’s TV picks. Time to stuff our faces with oversized burgers, french fries, and waffle cones - yum!  So, we packed up our snacks, grabbed some chocolate mint tea leaves from Donna's garden (with her approval) for a cup of afternoon tea, thanked our wonderful hosts Donna and Bud, and took off for Boise.
Travel Network - Man V. Food


*Still and/or Video Camera
*Long, denim jeans
*Tennis shoes (some sort of closed-toed shoes) or of course, Cowboy boots
*Apples & carrot sticks (leftovers double as a horse treat too :)
*Kiddie Bug Spray or I've heard that 'Avon Skin So Soft' works great as a moisturizer and bug repellent and is used by the National Guard (but don't quote me on that!)
*Plenty of water to drink
*Hats and/or sunnies (sunglasses)
*Long-sleeved shirts made of a light, thin material to cover arms to protect from sun & bug bites